ALE Trademarks & Copyright
The following information will help you ensure correct trademark attribution in all published materials.
It is important to understand and respect the use of proprietary ALE trademarks.
Portions of material that link to this page are:
© Copyright Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, 2006
© Copyright Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc., 2006
© Copyright Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise USA Inc., 2014
© Copyright ALE International, 2018
© Copyright ALE USA Inc., 2018
Portions may be copyrighted by third-party owners. ALE web site pages might contain other proprietary notices and copyright information that should be observed.
Your use of ALE copyrighted material
Unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing to do so, do not use, copy, modify or distribute material in which a member of the ALE group of companies claims a copyright. Specific authorization may take the form of the web site’s Terms of Use, a license, a distribution/reseller agreement, or an ad-hoc permission granted by authorized personnel.
Trademarks used by ALE companies (“ALE Trademarks”)
Below is a current (as of May 2016) list of trademarks used by members of the ALE group of companies in many countries. Those trademarks followed by ® are registered trademarks in the United States. The marks followed by ™ are trademarks or common law marks in the United States.
The list is not a comprehensive list of all the trademarks used by the members of the ALE group of companies. Failure of a mark to appear on this page does not mean that no ALE company uses such mark.
- IP Touch®
- My IC Phone®
- OmniAccess®
- OmniPCX®
- OmniSwitch®
- OmniTouch®
- OmniVista®
- OpenTouch®
- OpenTouch Conversation®
- Rainbow™
Your use of ALE trademarks
Use should be limited to text-only references to ALE trademarks, and exclude any logos. Such references must be truthful, must not disparage ALE, and must not mislead the public as to the exact nature of the relationship between ALE and You, or Your company’s products or services.
The first reference in a non-headline text You or Your company writes, an ALE trademark must be followed by the proper trademark symbol ® or ™ according to the above list. If the ALE trademark appears only in the headline, then the mark can be placed on that use.
For example and without limitation, do not:
- Alter an ALE trademark
- Create a logo including an ALE product name or and ALE trademark
- Incorporate an ALE product name or an ALE trademark into the root domain of a web site
- Connect Your company’s name with ALE product names or ALE trademarks
- Use an ALE trademark or a name for an ALE product or service as a noun, or in the plural form
- Misspell or incorrectly capitalize ALE trademarks
Requests for specific authorizations to use ALE copyrighted materials or ALE trademarks
Direct specific authorization requests to:
ALE International
Legal – Intellectual Property
32, Avenue Kleber
92700 Colombes